Vintage Jewelry Spotlight: Retro Jewelry
Authentic retro jewelry is jewelry from about 1945-1960. Jewelry from this time period was inspired by the ostentatious style of Hollywood and was colorful, bold, and elaborate. The most common types of jewelry from this time period were large cocktail rings, bracelets, earrings, watches, brooches, necklaces and charm bracelets. The surge in popularity of retro jewelry can, in part, be attributed to the success of shows like Mad Men and icons of ‘50s style such as Audrey Hepburn and Grace Kelly.
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Argo & Lehne 90th Birthday Celebration Event Recap
Thank you to everyone who stopped by for our 90th birthday celebration and 1/3 off Flash Sale! We had a blast sharing food and drinks with all of you. Special thanks to Fashion UA for modeling our jewelry, you all looked so beautiful! Make sure you stop by for Fashion UA’s big event on September 20 from 7 – 9 pm at the Municipal Center. The event will feature fabulous innovative designers, from Europe, to local designers, including swimwear to furs. It will surely be spectacular! Also, don’t forget that for 90 days following the Flash Sale, a large number of select items of all kinds will be 1/3 off.