Holiday Sparkle Event: Winter Wonderland
Consider yourself cordially invited to the biggest sale of the season!
Thursday, November 17th from 5:00-8:00 PM
Join us at Argo & Lehne where you will enter a Winter Wonderland and for this exclusive night you will find in stock jewelry up to 1/3 off.
Sip on sparkling wine, nosh on sweet treats and try on those gorgeous pieces!
You are encouraged to create a Wish List of all your favorites in advance on our website so we can direct you straight to those pieces when you arrive.
All in-stock jewelry is 1/3 OFF and vintage jewelry is 15% OFF!
Continue ReadingAn Argo Gets Married!
Excitement, romance, intense love, fun, joy, the warmth of a supportive community of friends and family – our feelings as we, Bob, Glenda and Will Argo, shared in the wedding of our son/brother, Josh, and his best friend and love of his life, the beautiful Ayaka.
Josh worked for several years at Argo & Lehne while in school. After discovering a love of the Japanese language and culture at OSU, he wanted to experience it firsthand. Josh has been living and working for 5 years in Japan where he was introduced to Ayaka by a mutual friend (whom we got to meet). After that, no turning back – I believe it was, as they say, meant to be! Here is a brief timeline noting some charming differences from American weddings. (more…)
Continue ReadingArt at Argo’s: Vivian Ripley
Autumn in Central Ohio

Late Autumn Field by Vivian Ripley
About the Artist
Vivian came to us as a customer in June. As she admired the works in our Art at Argo’s: “Impressions of Light and Landscape” by Frances McEwan Monfort, we discussed her own paintings. I learned that Vivian is an accomplished artist of varied subject matter. She works in pastel, watercolor, acrylic, and colored pencil (sometimes combining media), always striving to achieve beauty in each medium through her emotional use of color and tone.
Custom Jewelry Design – Not as Intimidating as You Might Think
As a sales associate and designer, I’ve never viewed custom jewelry as intimidating – until recently. We held a pendant contest last month on Facebook asking people to select 1 of 4 stones and design a pendant of their choice. The most likes would WIN! They would receive the stone, a custom consultation with one of our designers and $1200 toward the completion of the design. There was so much buzz around the contest! Customers and friends were excited about the potential of winning a completed piece BUT submissions were not flowing in as expected. I couldn’t grasp it…a free necklace and stone designed your way!
It became obvious people were intimidated. The same fears came up: “I can’t draw” or “my design concept isn’t complete.” It was clear we needed to do something or end up with a complete marketing flop! So, we threw an impromptu “sip and sketch” evening at the store. We invited our customers, we sipped sparkling wine, discussed designs and assisted with their concepts and the submissions began to flow in. So, with this process it dawned on me that many people have never created their own piece of jewelry and it’s time to take away the mystery and misconceptions of custom design.