Mother’s Day Photo Contest
Know a mom who deserves recognition this Mother’s Day?
Argo & Lehne wants to know about her.

We are celebrating Mother’s Day with a Photo Contest!
Let everyone know about the special mother in your life!
Post a picture with your mother on social media now through Mother’s Day for your chance to win a $500 Argo & Lehne gift card!
Just TAG @argolehne in your Facebook or @argolehnejewelers in your Instagram post and include the hashtag #argophotocontest to be entered.
Reminder: if you are entering on Instagram, please make sure your profile is set to “public” until a winner has been selected.

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Art at Argo’s – Viewing the Village: the art & artists of German Village
This poem was written in June of 1967, describing the essence of the village then and still today.
This small neighborhood, just south of downtown is a destination for many Columbus residents. There are quaint homes, brick streets and just something about the flickering gas lighting an art lover can’t resist. Some have nestled into the neighborhood calling it home with their studios, while others simply enjoy painting the picturesque views of the streets & parks.