Date: February 2020

Shine for a Cause: Fairy Goodmothers

It’s that time of year when we select a cause that resonates with us and help make a difference through our annual event, Shine for a Cause. It is our opportunity to support women throughout the month of March, in honor of International Women’s Day. This event is your chance to support local organizations that encourage the growth and strength of women. It truly is one of our favorite events of the year. We love getting to know the organization from the inside out. We try our best to meet staff and volunteers and one of us will visit the organization and connect with those who benefit from the cause. This year, we became acquainted with Fairy Goodmothers, dedicated to promoting confidence and self-esteem in Central Ohio high school girls. We are so excited to share their story and truly make a difference.


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Dating in the City: An Interview With Nicci Sprouse-Grosso

Too often in the jewelry business we speak about those that are in love and ready to make big commitments, like engagements and celebrating milestone anniversaries. However, many of our customers are independent women who are making self purchases,  and some of those women are in relationships, but many are not. Our customers are the CEO’s of businesses, volunteers of local organizations, moms showing their daughters what it is like to be a confident woman and so much more. The point is, our customers are mainly women in diverse situations all with a common bond of individual style.

So, this Valentine’s we thought it might be interesting to share a different spin on love. Just like our customers have different stories, so do their dating experiences. We have seen and heard enough love stories to know many things work in finding the right person and if your heart is ready, there is someone out there for everyone. And if you choose to not find that person that’s ok too. Love comes in many different forms including things we are passionate about. Just be you and be happy.

But for those looking for a new way of dating, we interviewed someone we thought had a really interesting story and professional background in connecting love matches.

Meet Nicci Sprouse-Grosso.

She has a great love story of her own, years of executive matchmaking experience and a new venture with her husband which is a social club for singles. (more…)

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